Healthy habits are
built over time.


Hi! I’m Maggi.

Registered Dietitian, Christ-follower, food-lover, wife & mom with a passion to help you become the best version of you.



Need a time saver?

Simple Healthy Living “Month of Meals” is your grocery list and menu planned by me. You’ll receive over 20 recipes, weekly instructions and more!



Client Testimonials


“I wasn’t sure what I was getting into when I first began, I just knew I wanted to make healthy choices regarding food in my life. Maggi held me accountable with text messages throughout the week and encouragement. My choices of food at restaurants and in the grocery store has changed tremendously. She always reminded me of my goals I set in the beginning. Her knowledge of nutrition is remarkable and she makes it easy to understand. Throughout this program I also gained a friend!”

— Karen

“During my time with Maggi, I was able to improve my relationship with food. Previously, I would set strict standards for myself, but then quickly grow discouraged and fall back into making poor choices. Now I feel I have the ability to make good choices for the long term! Overall, my favorite thing about working with Maggi is that her program is tailored to fit personal needs. I loved the flexibility!”

— Beth

“Maggi is the person you want in your corner when you are wanting new habits and an improved lifestyle. She patiently equips you with knowledge about nutrition and overall well-being. She listens, coaches, and celebrates with you through every step, challenge, and triumph! This three month program is exactly what I needed to change my lifestyle. I came into this program lost, broken down, and in need of help. I wanted to become a healthier, more mindful Mom who was able to have balance in my life and that is exactly what I gained with this program. Maggi is encouraging and helpful and has created a program that fits every lifestyle, every need, and builds you up to become the person you want to be and know you can be! She is knowledgeable and experienced and is who you want to walk through this three month program with!”

— Devin


SHL Coaching Program

Interested in working together?

Nutrition can be confusing and change isn’t always easy on your own. That’s why I created the Simple Healthy Living Coaching Program.